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So, anyway, redoing the whole "Furry movie showdown" thing, since seven movies have come around with claims to the throne (and that's just counting American/English language productions/versions; I could probably add quite a few foreign productions). Also, the glitch where I could only post two choices has passed, so that's nice. Note: Spark, Sly Cooper (the current champ, actually) and Rock Dog still don't have solid release dates, so they could become 2017 movies easily (Rock Dog and The Little Prince both started out as planned 2015 releases). Also, notable factoid, since Zootopia's teaser trailer bragged about the "no humans, bipedal stance, wearing clothes" thing, five other movies not counting Zootopia having those qualities will be released in 2016, meaning in 2017, a third of all movies with those three qualities will have been 2016 releases.

Anyway, last week's poll, about what type of news stories are best, was won by "news about the furry fandom", because, well, duh. In hindsight, probably didn't need a poll to see that.


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