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P.S.: I, too, saw "Shaun the Sheep: The Movie" in a practically empty theater. I think that my sister and I were the only ones there, and she was there only because she had to push my wheelchair. I liked it okay (but Aardman's "Chicken Run", "Wallace and Gromit in 'The Curse of the Were-Rabbit'", and "The Pirates (Band of Misfits)" were all much better), but she didn't. I felt that "Shaun the Sheep: The Movie" is too British for American kids.

One scene that doesn't work for either is in the restaurant. The sheep (and Bitzer the dog) are all successful at disgusing themselves and passing as humans in the Big City up to that point, but the sheep suddenly don't have a clue as to how humans are supposed to act in a restaurant.

Fred Patten


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