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Well, this is part five, so you're a bit behind; it's what one you're most excited about. I was originally going to do a poll with all the 2016 movies with anthropomorphic animals with a title like "which of these movies are you most excited about?", but the polls were glitching and I could only have two choices, so I came up with this format. It's allowed us to have a new poll a week for a while; seeing as how we were averaging a new poll about a year for a while there, that's a plus.

Which one do you think will be better? I mean, they could both end up being terrible, but if tickets were available today, but you could only buy one, which one would you buy? I guess you could always save your money, but that's not really a fun poll option.

Apparently, though, almost the full week in and three votes, and the excitement has worn off.


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