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A disclaimer, I am aware of the controversy surrounding the con chair and his friend right now. The review above is to be taken as a review of the experience of the con and not as promotion for or against any behaviors expressed in the recent days.

There is the whole "Reviewing the artists versus the art" thing.

Imagine if one were reviewing the Cosby Show and did nothing but rant about the disgusting things the main star was accused of, rather than looking at the show for what it was on its own. There were other stars on that show, who worked hard on it, and there was nothing wrong with the product.

One can evaluate a chess game played by Bobby Fischer and appreciate it for what it was despite him going off the anti-Semitic deep end in the end.

And at the end of the day in comparison to the two examples of the above, I'd say this particular issue could be far far worse.


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