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There are certain times when reboots are necessary ("The Hulk") I do think they're overdone though.

Unfortunately waiting for a new "Adventures" is like waiting for a new Mario 2 (US). "Adventures" didn't even start as a Star Fox game. Miyamoto just added the franchise to it because he liked what he saw of the dinosaur planet adventure game and wanted to insert his franchise upon it. Sort of like Mario incorporated Doki Doki panic to create a unique game in the franchise.

This aside the face that the internet, for reasons I shake my head at, pan "Star Fox Adventures" because... well it isn't 'really' a Star Fox game.

Well yeah, if you go in knowing that it isn't a terrible game by any stretch. A bit disjointed at times, but not bad. I mean, I actually finished the thing.

*Spoiler alert for a 13 year old game?*

My biggest peeve was that you never got to fight Scales, and just when you were about to throw down the fight is interrupted by a boss you've fought so many times before. It was one of the biggest lost opportunity moments in gaming, and annoyed me to no end.


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