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On one hand, I was mainly thinking along the lines of, say, Ursa Majors. 2016 and 2017 are going to be interesting there (and 2016 isn't even strictly Zootopia versus KF3; Finding Dory makes this a three horse race with Sly Cooper being the dark horse candidate).

On the other hand, I think you both overestimate GotG's box office clout (it was a hit, yes, but it was a surprise hit) and underestimate MLP:FiM's (animated movies have a lot of box office staying power, even if they don't instantly crush the box office). If the ponies get the right release date (or the "superhero bubble" that the first GotG was supposed to burst actually finally does burst), this could be more competitive than you think.

And on the gripping hand, (which is a geeky reference that also happens to be very apt), I don't think that there's any way Rocket can compete with the ponies for the sheer amount of fan art (appropriate or not) produced. (I was just thinking the other day that I would be thankful for FiM for no other reason than the crapflood of pony art prevented a crapflood of Avatar art from sticking around).


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