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I think it's kind of silly to remove oneself from a catagory because the person you're running against has a different viewpoint, especially if bigoted... I mean, isn't the point of being in the catagory to run against the person in that catagory? What idiot would think that because you are nominated along with this other guy that means you hold this other guy's ideals?

(Godwin's Law imitate) That would be like saying Paul von Hindenburg is associated with Hitler because he ran against the guy in a ballet. Did he go "I want off this ballot if he's on it?". Heck no. He, in poor health and in his 80s (in the 1930s mind you) said "I have to stay on the ballot BECAUSE Hitler is on it, despite my wish to retire..."

In a way if your work promotes social tolerance and or justice and you leave because the one you're running against is promoting intolerance and or justice for only a privileged few, then your leaving does not prevent the later from winning, it promotes it to happen.

That being said... who knew that a system where you pay to vote would eventually cause a system where mostly entitled individuals had more control over who wins?


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