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You know what, honestly, as a guy who has criticized the UMAs in the past, and started up a monthly column that I even implemented effectively a whole year (a whole year, you guys!) and, bit less effectively another ... two, I think it was? ... to try and semi-sorta game the system. Anyway, he would have valid points, (maybe), but, as the guy who lost, he is in the worst possible position to make them.

I'm just very much reminded of California Chrome, the horse that most recently almost won the Triple Crown (or more specifically, his owner). Watching the Belmont Stakes, the program showed the owner presenting himself as a kind of good ol' boy just pleased to be there. Then the horse lost the race, and the guy instantly dropped the act and started a rant about how it was impossible to win the Triple Crown. The illusion instantly dropped; he had a valid point in that it is impossible (though that's also probably missing the point, so if anything bear guy at least has better ground to stand on), but, sorry guy. You're just being a sore loser. Try harder next year.

Or even Michael Keaton at the Oscars this year; he recently joked on Letterman how he lost the Oscar for Best Actor because the guy who won it played a historical character with a disease, and those always win. Which is true. And on top of that, I was rooting for Keaton! But it was still either a dick move, because, come on, just let it go, dude, or it was really stupid, because there's no way it doesn't look like sour grapes.

(Also, Shawn Keller sucked.)


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