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On the gaming aspect, kind of called it:

And not to jump ahead, but it's probably going to happen next year too seeing as FNAF 3 released on March 2nd and FNAF 4 seems slated for a fall release.

Though I'm not going to be complaining too much right now because, well, Armello so far I think would be the one to beat in 2015. However, I'd hope it would win as it'd be the first time a board game won the Best Game catagory (Remember when there were board games in there competing with video games?). Oh sure it's a video game, but it's probably the closest a board game would get to winning the category.

As far as Furry Force beating MLP, I have to say I'm sort of shocked. Though I know some site owners with particular influence were pushing for it, I was skeptical that they would actually pull ahead of the Ponies. Particularly after their strong 4th season, which I think was one of the better in the series.

The even funnier part is, the creators of Furry Force are probably going to take more notice of it than the MLP animation staff... or maybe even the bronies (who are not furries). Since humor is what they do, I think the best way to take this award would be humbly, gracefully, and most importantly with at the very end of the humble acceptance end it with three simple words "Suck it, Bronies".

Then watch the hooves fly.


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