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"He's both given authorship of IARP papers, and he directs the biggest fandom institution, letting you in and barring others at your request."

I think you'll need a source for that statement. Kage's been known to be protective of a particular image of the fandom of his own regard, so to me I can see him blocking other researchers at his own beheast instead of a direct request from IARP.

Is Kage allowing IARP in because their agenda is at best matching his feelings toward the fandom and at worst mostly harmless to the image of the fandom? Absolutely. But, until you have a written document that shows this kind of alliance and that kind of contagion agreement then it is just coincidence.

In addition your statement also kind of makes it sound like Kage is a member of the IARP or something, he is an chemist, who happens to run a furry convention, and as the one running the thing (with the board) they can include or exclude whomever they want for whatever reason they want. There's no scientific reasoning needed for who they exclude from the convention.

And it was not Kage who excluded Kevin from MFF, because Kage does not run MFF, so more and more this seems like a straw man that distracts from the rest of your comment.


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