Researchers might bear in mind that, unlike hebephilia, many see furry purely as a hobby – one appearing to promote positive self-esteem – and not as a matter for clinical psychology. There is clear potential for inappropriate medicalization, which needs to be addressed.
Kevin's research activities are described in additional detail in a 2014 departmental newsletter (p. 4, right) where it is proposed that "in these two populations, ETLEs would manifest as arousal to the idea of being children and anthropormorphic animals, respectively".
From my own (non-scientific!) perspective, this seems a reasonable line of research, if restricted to just one aspect of the "furry experience"; however, I agree that the way he's gone about it – as presented here – poses concerns. Kevin appears to be an eager student, so hopefully any missteps can be remedied, providing a positive learning experience for him and the rest of his group without impeding his studies.
I notice that Kevin is scheduled to attend a preconference workshop symposium (p. 10) on "Erotic target location errors and identity inversions" chaired by Northwestern's J. Michael Bailey (author of The Man Who Would Be Queen) at the International Academy of Sex Research's annual meeting, where he is to discuss "Erotic target location errors and identity inversions in male pedohebephiles and furries". Perhaps some of the more "confusing" questions encountered by survey participants (apparently including whether they find adults sexually interesting) were originally intended for the former group, and were applied to the latter as a means of comparing the two?
Researchers might bear in mind that, unlike hebephilia, many see furry purely as a hobby – one appearing to promote positive self-esteem – and not as a matter for clinical psychology. There is clear potential for inappropriate medicalization, which needs to be addressed.
Kevin's research activities are described in additional detail in a 2014 departmental newsletter (p. 4, right) where it is proposed that "in these two populations, ETLEs would manifest as arousal to the idea of being children and anthropormorphic animals, respectively".
From my own (non-scientific!) perspective, this seems a reasonable line of research, if restricted to just one aspect of the "furry experience"; however, I agree that the way he's gone about it – as presented here – poses concerns. Kevin appears to be an eager student, so hopefully any missteps can be remedied, providing a positive learning experience for him and the rest of his group without impeding his studies.