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To give a little background on how this came about, and why Cambridge in particular…

Nuka often gets media queries based on his furry research efforts. The Wednesday before the meet, he forwarded my details to Maria - partly on the grounds that I was in the UK, and might know who else to talk to. We had a thirty-five minute chat on Thursday and she asked me to help them find a furmeet. The catch? Due to deadlines, it had to be that weekend.

The largest event was the Birmingham Furmeet, but they don't want to talk to the media (nor do the LondonFurs, whose meet would've been too late anyway). I pinned my hopes on the Cambridge Furs, and posted a request to the event's Facebook page. The response was very positive, and event organizer Chibs/Basil went the extra mile to ensure the pub venue was OK with it, too.

As a bonus, Cambridge was close enough for me to drop by. The meet revolved around board and card games; we had a few rounds of Uno before the team arrived. The producer swiftly brought out a microphone and a chunky recording brick (which ate batteries), and they were off! Interesting to watch, especially with the presenter doing her best to describe the ears, tails and partials to the invisible audience.

The reporters could only stay an hour or so – they had to record another segment on a farm – but in that time they got plenty of material. Naturally, we'll only hear a few minutes of this in the final show, but I guess a more-detailed follow-up is possible, if what's there plays well. It can't have been too bad, considering we got top billing; they even added that group photo as a cover image.


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