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Perhaps the biggest goal of the footer is for visiting search engines to pick stories up, index/archive them, and maybe associate them as part of a web of furry news sources.

I expect most readers to check the footer out, and maybe get snagged by a story title, drop by - and then, if they like the content offered, to subscribe separately to those sources.

We might reference their coverage in our own, if it was relevant. Otherwise, I'd expect people to read FurStarter if they want to keep up on furry crowdfunding projects, Dogpatch Press for assertive stories with bold claims and jaunty opinions about furry subculture, [adjective][species] for thoughtful essays on topics related to furry fandom, etc.

I don't see it as our primary business to convey (some of) their stories to our readers. I see that as the job of an aggregator. There's certainly value in news curation; but when it comes down to it, I'd rather time be spent on the material being curated. Newsbytes were created to enable curation and at the same time to discourage spending too much time on it by keeping it brief.


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