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I find this extremely interesting, and a little alarming, for a number of reasons - but I'll just stick with one. Furries who have had an extreme change of heart on their contributions to the community - either those who feel their current careers may be harmed if their past in the fandom were revealed or those who just are done with the fandom. There's art from one furry artist who I would love to see again, he did one of my initial badges after entering the fandom and which I love dearly - Stickdevil. He left the fandom for whatever reason, took down all his art (DA, FA, etc), and requested Wikifur not publish anything about him. For someone like him how are we supposed to take this? What if making his art available and somehow that online stuff gets connected to the very real person who has moved on and causes him real harm? Another I might point out is the comic Deo created by the artist Grimal - at some point the comic just completely disappeared from what I can tell, the furry is still in the fandom but for whatever reason he took down the art. I don't know why but is it my call to make it available again even though it's not likely to harm him?

It's a tough call in terms of archivists but since the art is owned by these people I think you really have to side with their decision no matter how much it pains you to let go of creations you admire.

For writers a story may be revised multiple times before a "final" version is left alone and then later deleted... if there are multiple versions of the same story out there are all saved?

Oh and yes, I would be interested in the link. I respect their reasons for taking art down but I really hate the idea of things I admire disappearing forever. And there are a few stories and pieces of art I vaguely remember but cannot find in my favorites anymore and suspect they were purged at some point.


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