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So, anyway, I'm nervous about this story.

Okay, for the record, I'm not sure how big a "controversy" this is; I got nothing on Vivisector, and they once turned a completely unrelated thread about a man screwing a dog and posting videos online into yet another "complaining about FurAffinity" thread, so if they don't care after three weeks, that's saying something. Also, Google is getting me nothing much; of course, my weak Google-fu is one of my shames.

Secondly, "discussion" on the Internet serves one purpose; for people to stick around and give a website more page-views and therefore ad revenue and therefore money. Since Flayrah is a non-profit that doesn't run on page-views, there other than bragging rights (and we don't have a lot of that), I think I'll passively discourage "discussion" articles. I mean, if you want to discuss, discuss, we still have comments even if we don't, strictly speaking, need them; but if you've got something to say, say it in the article next time, and if a discussion happens, it happens.

Of course, if a "discussion" article is contributed, I'll send it through; this is just me saying pretty please.

Also, sorry, but I may have just preempted the discussion that we're supposed to be having about old shame, which I don't really think I have anything to say about.


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