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Interestingly when Five Nights at Freddy's came out I thought it had a chance of actually beating Pokemon this year. Then they came out with a second one... which will essentially divide up the vote so that Pokemon may conquer. I'd say to those voting for Freddy, you need to focus your attention on the main title. Don't vote for Five Nights 2 unless you want it to lose.

I am under no delusions of Freedom Planet standing a chance, though it's my favorite of the bunch. I can at least feel comfort that it won't be beaten by a vampire DLC.

It is clear, in the case of short stories, that one avid fanbase can run the gambit on nominations. Depending on the numbers behind it that means that it'll be either impossible for anyone else to get nominated, or all it'll take is some other short story writer to come around and focus fire their way into the Ursa Majors. Essentially all they'll have to say is "Hey, want to see someone else other than Mary E. Loyd nominated?"

That being said my work "The Curators" was published in the Furry future this year. Just so you know.

Though I'm sure you could find a better work in the Anthology to focus your nominations on.

(Lunar Cavity wins the 2015 Ursa Short stories)



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