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I am also a fan of You're Next. Funny thing is that I usually don't go for "mask-wearing-serial-killer" movies, but when the killers in question are behind animal faces well... my curiosity got the better of me.

I don't think The Babadook played in many theaters, so it's reach to audiences was very limited. Between this and Housebound, Australia and New Zealand (respectively), put out two very entertaining horror flicks this year. Speaking of horror, I cannot go without mentioning Tusk, which gives new meaning to the term "fursuit". o_O

Whiplash was simply amazing. It plays like a tense action movie. I saw it twice in the theaters and in both screenings there was enthusiastic applause from the audience by closing scene.

I did enjoy seeing the Godzilla monster on the big screen in it's latest incarnation. I know there were gripes from some about the new design of the creature, but to me he looked majestic. The "human element" as you mentioned did not engage me, so it got knocked out of my favorites list. I only have the original 1954 film to compare it to. If I remember correctly the monster does not appear until much later (and in the most undramatic way).


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