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Good list. I agree with most of your choices (except I was disappointed with Godzilla). There are some big movies I need to catch up on (Interstellar, The Lego Movie, Hunger Games, Boyhood, to name a few).

Can't resist sharing a list of my own. I did see a ton of movies last year (much more than I usually do in a given year).

Here were my faves of 2014 (with links to trailers)...
10. Snowpiercer
9. How to Train Your Dragon 2
8. The Skeleton Twins
7. Housebound
6. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
5. Under the Skin
4. The Grand Budapest Hotel
3. The Babadook
2. Whiplash
1. We Are the Best!

Honorable mention: Guardians of the Galaxy, Pride

Best Actress:
Essie Davis (The Babadook)

Best Actor:
Ralph Fiennes (Budapest Hotel)

Best movie moments (by description):
"Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now" (The Skeleton Twins)
"Human work" (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)
"Zombie" Beth's death scene (Life After Beth)

Best quote:
"Take your hands off my lobby boy!" (The Grand Budapest Hotel)


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