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It actually is possible for an Denial Of Service attacker to use a networks own servers against it. I won't go through it in a whole lot of detail right now, but basically there are certain commands that you can send to some servers that will cause said servers to spit a bunch of data back out at you. Spoof your IP to make the server send that data to someone else, and you've got yourself something known as a Amplified Denial Of Service Attack. This is used frequently by attackers through a method that involves a ton of time servers and a command called monlist, usually used in conjunction with or by a Distributed Denial Of Service Attack carried out by a botnet (either one they own or have paid for). If whatever assholes are pulling this actually did that, two things can be assumed. One; these people know what they are doing, and two; they'll be doing it until they or their customers are satisfied .-.


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