That one 'review' that literally tried to bring out some styles or themes as a "flaw" is not reporting. Or journalism.
Reporting is simply showing something that happened or what exist, that's it. It's not giving out a belief attached to it. Similar to journalism maybe.
I mean, that's how I grew up thinking that...
Trying to give out a belief about something (such as judgement) isn't either of those, it's criticism.
And literately, I think every review I seen is about judgement (Isn't that the point?).
The review here I put out is simply a review with criticism attached with some feedback.
That one 'review' that literally tried to bring out some styles or themes as a "flaw" is not reporting. Or journalism.
Reporting is simply showing something that happened or what exist, that's it. It's not giving out a belief attached to it. Similar to journalism maybe.
I mean, that's how I grew up thinking that...
Trying to give out a belief about something (such as judgement) isn't either of those, it's criticism.
And literately, I think every review I seen is about judgement (Isn't that the point?).
The review here I put out is simply a review with criticism attached with some feedback.
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.