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Wow, these comments are really immature. "Diamondmanism, hahaha, I hate this guy for speaking his opinion backz"
It's like people don't know that legit critique is about a singular legit thing. If someone claims a theme "bad" when it's there main purpose/theme/whatever, then it's fair to bring out how bias that is.

Seriously I thought the community was better than this? But it's nothing (often) but off-topic bullshit about the OP (Me) with a really stupid name on here. Might as well do this to other members then.
I'm not trying to sound like an ass but man, I find this rude, assy, and immature in the first place.

@Other Anon
How does it make them "creepy"?.. I think that's whoever's fault for finding something "creepy".


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