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The only reason this would be considered any loss is for nostalgic reasons, and the only sorrow is merely upon the passage of time and how things are different than what they were.

To me it is like arguing that gaming is dead/gone forever because the last arcade shut down. One is purposefully ignoring that the reason the arcade shut down because access to the content once exclusive to that domain was more accessible by more people within their own homes.

I'm hard pressed to think of many homes that have only access to public broadcast channels and with no internet these days. I'd say grandma's house, but my grandparents had cable before my family did.

I mean, could I really argue with a straight face to the kids that I had something they didn't have? When they can do a quick Google search of the cartoons I tell them were so awesome and probably watch them whenever they wanted at some video site rather than wait until one day of the week to watch a rerun of the show as you desperately await them to *ahem* 'reboot' for the third season?

It is a good well written article about an interesting event. But without it, would have the tree made a sound in mine ear when it fell? Probably not.


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