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Ha, ha! The earliest anime pornography wasn't until February 1984; "Lolita Anime I: Girls Tortured With Roses"; two 15-minute torture-rape of teenaged schoolgirls stories on a half-hour commercial video. Yep; we early anime collectors bought all the first commercially-released anime Original Anime Videos in 1983 & 1984, including the pornography. The "Cream Lemon" series was actually popular; those were usually animated pornographic comedies -- porno sci-fi, sword-&-sorcery, and other fantasy parody-vignettes. By then, anime fandom was growing in both Japan and North America, and all the fans plus the regular porno market made animated pornography financially practical. It was rumored that "Project A-ko" began as a porno video until someone realized, "You know, if we reduce the pornography and increase the comedy to make it just a risqué sci-fi comedy, we can have a real winner here that we can mass-market openly?" "Tentacle-rape" went in the other direction, although even "Urotskudoji" became respectable eventually; or as respectable as a horror-fantasy about giant demons with 50-foot penises raping nurses could be.

Fred Patten


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