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I'm not a fan of it, to be honest.

It was bad enough to know what Marvel had done to Rocket Raccoon, that Brian (ultra-misogynist, beater of women) Bendis had taken away every original aspect about him. Brian writers every character the same, so there goes Rocket's personality and cockney accent. Brian hates quirkiness, so Rocket is now indeed not from loony world, but a cybernetically enhanced killer from a race of cybernetically enhanced killers that just happen to look like raccoons.

Rocket is no longer a brilliant strategist and tactician, he no longer has random access to hammerspace, and pretty much everything that made him great was taken away from him.

This is the character that was carried over into the movie. The lack of the cockney accent made me want to research this, since I haven't bought a Marvel comic in a while due to Bendis's rampage through the Universe, pissing on continuity with every chance he gets.

And now they're criminals, too. The Guardians of the Galaxy I knew and loved, especially from the '08 run, were never criminals. Rocket Raccoon, whom I knew from his original comics about loony world and the loony bible back in Marvel Preview and his miniseries sometime in the '80s. I think.

I'm just sad to see that none of the characters have come out unscathed. It just makes me sad on the inside, because there's so much wasted potential.

And to bin a story as brilliant as loony world in favour of 'killer cyborg not-raccoons' is... well. I guess we should be calling him Rocket Killer Cyborg Not-Raccoon at this point, eh?

Not only that, but Gamora was far, far too stupid. I'm sorry, but she's more intelligent, independent, and dominant than she was shown to be in the movie. So that's her ruined, too. I just really don't like where this is going, I don't like where Marvel is going.

Bendis is killing everything I once held dear. It's painful to watch.


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