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Strange, you should of gotten it because it was being sent to you?
I also noticed it's not in my sent lists.

And I don't know man. When I see this one review for example on Flayrah (No not this one right here, some other one), I see judgement of "poor" or maybe "incorrect" over designs, and it looks like it's claimed as "feedback" or "value", but all it was, was bias comparing, ignored that it was style (I think), etc.
I would say it's possible to argue things like this like the idea that style can't really be flaw it's self for example.

My main general point was reaching out to "critics" who uses a "final scoring" to describe what's "good" or "bad" sort of. Or at least generally; people who claim "good" or "bad" as a "fact" like I've seen on here sometimes. I think your right about the readers thing sort of, but it's always attached to the other thing, which can be arguable, and since "critics" are often consider "important" which attaches "critique". Some people would love to bring there own style on here, but then there is a person who is telling readers to skip it because the reader hates it or compares it to the wrong thing.
I also seen a person judging the critics over a movie called The Nut Job.


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