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Actually, both Groot and Rocket have the least amount of given backstory (and Drax, Gamora and Star-Lord's given backstories vary greatly from the comics); in the comics, Rocket has actually been a victim of self-imposed amnesia, so it makes sense, but I'm wondering if Marvel did that on purpose to open up the possibility of a Rocket Raccoon and Groot spinoff movie. The Collector also hinted that Groot has a very different origin than his comic version. They've already got their own spinoff comic, so why not?

The question of Star-Lord's parentage has only recently been revealed in the comics, but the reason for Earth being considered a "backwater" is pragmatism; the Marvel movies take place in the modern day, and we're not part of a galactic civilization in the real modern day, so if one exists, and they are aware of us, by process of elimination we must be a "backwater." It's kind of like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gag where Ford Prefect's entire article on Earth is edited down to "Harmless." until he protests, wherein newer editions read "Mostly harmless."

Really, it's pretty much one of the big dumb things you have to ignore if you read any DC or Marvel comics; the people of those universe's Earths keep getting surprised by all these major alien invasions that happen at least once a year, plus multiple minor alien invasion throughout.


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