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Furry anthology 'Anthropomorphic Aliens' to debut at Anthrocon 2014

Edited by GreenReaper as of 19:52
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Fred Patten will have a new anthology, Anthropomorphic Aliens, on sale at Anthrocon 2014. The 301-page book, published by FurPlanet Productions, presents eleven short stories and novellas featuring “furry” aliens from 1950 to 2013:
Anthropomorphic Aliens

The wraparound cover is by Roz Gibson.

Fred is the editor of several Furry short-fiction anthologies.

You can get Anthropomorphic Aliens for $19.95 at the FurPlanet table at Anthrocon 2014, July 3-6, in Pittsburgh, or order it from the FurPlanet online store upon their return.


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