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Humor site Cracked explains Archie comics at the moment.

Interesting how the view on gay marriage has changed; as the article doesn't really point out, but kinda implies, Archie comics still aren't sure how they feel about Archie's heterosexuality or his straight marriage (it doesn't really count as it's one of those comic book alternate continuities to begin with, and the guy got killed off as soon as he settled down), but gay marriage is not only completely okay, but I'm pretty sure is also part of the official continuity (not that Archie, being a teenager older than two of mes combined has been very hard on continuity in his comics), and oh, yeah, alternate Archie died saving that marriage (which, would, ironically, destroy his own heterosexual marriage).

In other words, in the Archie universe, heterosexuality is punishable by death, but homosexuality is worth dying for.


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