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I think people over estimate furry awareness in the general community. "Fur and Loathing" was done, what fifteen years ago? Some of today's furs weren't even born yet. In general, I'd say that the fandom is more aware of the CSI episode than the non furry community. Besides, it wasn't as offensive as 'Dr. Phil' and 'My Strange Obsession'.
And what's with coded sex talk? In general furries aren't a bashful lot, but there's always context. I'm a fairly 'out' fur, but I seldom talk about the fandom unless there's a specific reason. Why would we be making sexual references to strangers anyway? I write adult material, so most of my friends are comfortable with ribald conversations. I am aware that many artists who do adult furry works are neither furry, nor interested in furry sex; it's just something they do to make a buck.
As to the dancer; I guess he/she was caught up in the moment. Best not to talk sex with judges, regardless of WHAT they may be judging.

When we lose the right to be different, we lose the ability to be free


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