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i think the krux of the problem is thinking of other kritters as property - like slavery (which has been at least legaly eliminated in most parts of planet earth) this is just plain wrong (i realize there are a couple of practical exceptions but in general our comensals are simply friends of other species then our own who for one reason or another happen to be living with us - that part of it is cool - but they do have their own feelings and perceptions - whatever those might happen to be - and of course shairing our homes with them is the same kind of responsibility as like merrage - even if our laws don't treat it that way - ... so really companions of other species are cool - if you are willing to learn and understand their specific needs and be responsible about them - which giving them as 'property' as a gift to someone - isn't ... these rescue places are cool as are those breeding programs to restore or atleast maintain populations of creatures that might no longer be able to share our world without them - i could go on about the value and need for this but i guess i've gone on too long already - well have a happpy, healthy, safe and considerate midwinter's eve ... for everyone of every species ... ~;)


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