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I suspect there are other ways to accomplish that. For instance: generally speaking, there's only a fraction of what I look like that I want to bookmark for later. Instead of the user experience being built around "explicitly tell me when you don't want to save something," why not "explicitly tell me when you do want to save something?" That could be as simple as one click or one key for any given item with a good UI.

Really, though, I'm just expressing disappointment that so few sites are playing around with the fundamental interaction models we've had for a decade. Everyone who isn't essentially following deviantArt's model (FA, IB, SF, Weasyl) is essentially following 4chan's (fchan, the "booru" sites, etc.). Yes, I know they work, but when push comes to shove, FA isn't going to be disrupted by "pretty much like FA but with some tweaks we think you're gonna love." My impression is that most of the other sites are betting that FA's eternal state of dysfunction is eventually going to cause it to topple and [insert competitor] will be there to fill in the vacuum. But I can't help suspect this is like Dreamwidth being there to fill the void left by LiveJournal.

— Chipotle


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