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This really is a sad thing to hear. I got the pleasure of meeting Mr. DeCarlo at Anthrocon this year, and I'll always consider it a pleasure. Although we didn't talk much, for it was crowded, busy, and noisy, I still was happy to meet him, and his lovely wife. Always a warm smile on her face, she and he was the highlight of the con.

I'll treasure my picture of 'Betty' in my book now. For it's a treasure definately. I'm so happy that I got a copy to him, ASAP. It goes to show, never to procrastinate. For we may never have a second chance.

I grew up with Archie comics, getting my first dgest in 1977, and even today I still get an issue in the checkout counter. My favorate of the Pussycats was Val. She was sexy, pretty, and definately a good counter to Melody's bubbleheadness :). I liked all though, including Josie. Pepper (from the earlier stories) was one I kind of miss too.

I'm glad the Curtis's was friends with them. It answered a nagging question; how was the DeCarlo's treated at AC? What was their impressions? Thank you, furry community for showing true maturity, and wisdom at how you treated them. We have a bed reputation, but it shows, that it's only caused by a few narrow minded jerks, and not the REAL community :) I was hoping that he could return to the con in future years too. He was quite a gifted artist, and creator. Not only that, but just generally a good person. I only wish I got to meet him more.

I'll sorely miss Mr. DeCarlo this christmas, and will drink a spiked eggnog to his memory. (I usually don't drink.) and to the health of his family and friends. I will always treasure his memory.

Mrs. DeCarlo, and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss. I could tell you two never lost the love you had for each other.

I'm at a loss for words, so I'll end this letter. Godspeed, Mr. DeCarlo. You'll be remembered.

Shaddock Delaforge


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