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It's always fun to read the Flayrah reviews, since they often go against the received wisdom among fans (bronies, anyway) and that's partly the case here as well. But I'm as pointless a person to comment as any other, so I might as well give it a go!

I completely agree that "Magical Mystery Cure" *really* needed two episodes. One for the cutie mark stuff, one for the princess stuff. The gap between the desolation of "I've Got to Find a Way" and the joyousness of "A True, True Friend" was absurdly short. A shame, as I think both those are among the finest songs the show has ever done -- and the recently released extended cut of the first one is better still. Princess Twilight looks a lot better in the light of the generally excellent S4, and I don't think it's coincidental that there's very little objection to her alicornhood these days.

"Lesson Zero" is simple fun. I doubt we'll ever get an episode quite like it again, partly because it's *too* simple for what the show now is and partly because I can't see Hasbro letting that Fluttershy/bear scene through these days! I don't actually consider "Party of One" the best episode even of S1, though it's very good indeed. This one may just shade it for the introduction of Smarty Pants. Incidentally, your link at the end of that para gives me an "Access denied" error...

"MMMystery..." I really do not like at all, apart from the fabulous parody scenes. The reason is characterisation. I just find it impossible to reconcile the portrayal of Fluttershy, especially, with everything else we've learned about her by this point. It's a long time since I've watched it all through.

"Magic Duel" -- I'm not a fan of Trixie, so I don't much like this one, though my reasons are different from yours. I know Lauren Faust is no longer directly relevant, but her comment in "The Elements of Harmony" book interview that Trixie *does* have the potential to be a "major villain" means I see her a little more negatively than you do. I'm afraid I'd be quite happy never to see Trixie on screen again.

As for "Games Ponies Play", well quite frankly, *yawn*. I didn't actually *dislike* it as I did a certain Spike episode in S3, but by Celestia it was boring. The relatively subtle exploration of claustrophobia was nice, and FS/RD's "Boom-cha!" too, but not much else other than a few brief gags. Not, in a million years, a classic episode.


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