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Okay, let me slap my two credits on this knife carved table.

I've known Ted Sheppard long enough that it was snail mail, not e-mail that was used to keep contact. Not once has he in any way indicated a preference for children as a sexual object, nor pressed such an agenda towards me.

Now, my credentials;

My father was a pedophile, I am a survivor. I was also a military police officer for some four and a half years and was involved in several such cases. As the arresting officer that is. As such I have been forced to wade through massive collections of child sex materials, several times losing my lunch, supper, midnight chow etc into the bushes. Officers appear to believe that if you experienced it then you are the perfect person to investigate it. Whatever IT happens to be, Goddess help should they sully their white gloves.

Let me add that my mother was personally, heavily, involved in the creation of the Texas law regarding Battered women and children and I have sat through countless meetings of her 'friends.' Those friends being Lawyers, Judges, a few State Representatives, Police Chiefs (useless git) and at least one Congressman.

All this does not make me an expert, what it does make me is very observant as to the evidence.

A child predator does not have ten images that they quickly deleted, they have thousands, tens of thousands in many cases. They have hard copy photos, they have movies, they have an M.O. They have children's clothes, underware, toys, candy out the wazoo to start.

Mr. Sheppard has/had none of the above.

Not being a gun nut, I don't even own one, as I hunted two legged prey in the far east, mainly the PI, I cannot say anything about Mr. Sheppard's hobby, nor his politics. You see I am a Monarchist myself, a Whig. I personally believe that we should have a royal family, so that we have perfect targets for the rotten tomatoes when things go pear shaped, like the last eleven years.

I do not believe that Mr. Sheppard is guilty of anything more than foolishly downloading a torrent, one that claimed it held one kind of sex, but was packed with another. As to how this might happen, Madonna's "What the Hell do you think you're doing" file on Napster comes easily to mind. As does almost all of Traci Lords porn work. His only fault was not contacting the police when he discovered what he had, then Mr. Sheppard is a reclusive, shy man with little trust of the police. He simply deleted the files not understanding how MicroCrap does not do file removal.

Jump this way, jump that but in the name of the Nine Gods of Terra, DO NOT PREJUDGE! I believe that you Christians have a saying, "Judge not lest ye be judged?" One of these days a bunch of you are going to follow that law, then the universe will implode.

As one Judge told me last month while we were discussing this, "It appears to me, in the cases that I have seen these last twenty plus years, The United States is moving to Napoleonic Law, where you are Guilty until you prove yourself innocent."



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