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There has been a great deal of conjecture and mud slinging as regards Ted Sheppard. I will say this. I paid for his legal defense. It was nearly ten thousand dollars, and I would not have done this had he been guilty. I have known Ted for over twenty five years. He is a good man being shafted by not being diligent in his personal net security. This kind of thing can happen to anyone who uses file sharing services, you would be wise to avoid these sites.

Ted was using a file sharing service which was the source of the child pornography. He was not looking for this material. He would not have. He wasn't ever, nor is he now into child pornography. He is a victim of someone's malicious dumping of the material onto the file sharing service. The powers that be don't seem to care that he is innocent. The prosecutors intend to pad their career profiles by shredding a good and innocent man's life. The weapons seized were all legally obtained and part of a historic collection. Ted and I are both military antique dealers.

Folks are going to continue to say all kinds of rotten crap about Ted. This does not make their stories true. I am sorry that the fandom we have been involved in for so long feels the need to point and laugh at such misfortune. Ted's life has been ruined by the mere allegation of this crime, cut him some slack.

As far as someone in the Tucson Mob saying that we "started the fandom" WTF? I know of none of us who would say such nonsense. It sounds like one of Groat's delusions.

Thanks for reading.


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