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The FurAffinity userbase already includes white supremacists, Nazi sympathisers, Christian Dominionists, thugs, thieves, creeps and junkies. Not to mention those who openly advocate child pornography (the real thing, not merely 'cub porn') and bestiality.

Why then should the (alleged) crimes of one man -- sleazebag though he may well be -- become the last straw that broke the backs of so many?

The last straw for Artdecade -- a gay pot-smoker who votes Republican.
The last straw for Joe Meyer -- who pals around with Crusader Cat.
The last straw for Sigil -- happy to draw page after page of sexual violence.

Some will reply, reasonably, "Because, as an admin/coder, he now has access to people's personal data." But I have to counter -- Why the fuck are you entrusting intimate information to a gay fetish art site in the first place?!

However, I am seriously pissed that the amusing satirical drawing by agouti-rex got deleted...*

*Viewable here:


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