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The notes were taken offline (it's also a legal and ethic dilemma since the notes were illegally obtained anyway), however the fact that these notes exist or were the cause of the issue is not in question. If you read both Adam Wan's journal which was linked and that of the more accusative individuals they both note of their existance:

From the Adam Wan's journal: "But [the 2010 accusations] was something else. A note hacked from FA’s own administration was making the rounds, telling a confidential story of unwanted advances by a menace to society. A villainous cretin who has, or will, be a danger to others listed. Mind you, none of the people listed currently back her claim, even the ones who initially had knee-jerk reactions based on the assumption that her note was true." --Adam Wan.

So me saying the note caused the issue of drama is no different then saying water vapor causes rain. It's not something that's in dispute by either side.

I did provide a gist of what the notes content was, however what I did not do, that many others have is put a motive onto Dragoneer's advise. The more angry believe he conspired with Adam over it to dissuade the victim and him being hired somehow proves this. It doesn't really. Just as us going into Iraq doesn't prove that the government caused 9/11.

Dragoneer could have been giving advise based on the face that he may have legitimately believed victim faced an uphill battle in court, and so in his opinion they may have wanted to think it through. I have stated this opinion when the notes first leaked. Dragoneer seems someone who is very adverse to any type of conflict, so that he would tell someone to run instead of fight is not all that surprising. Bad advice isn't a crime, and I can't find any evidence to suggest there was any more to this private correspondence than that.

While I did note the notes as the cause of the contention, I kept the opinion of the actual event between the two in question out of the story, and instead decided to focus on FA's record of following through on updates and Adam Wan's background and its relation (or lack thereof) for the task he was given. To say this announcement was not a catalyst for increasing Weasyl's traffic is also not opinion, I've shown statistics that show it did have an impact. A lot of opinion has flown on both sides of the accusations and I felt it'd best to focus on other aspects of the story. If I was making this to be anti-FA I wouldn't have shown that FA's usage hasn't gone down. I too would have painted this as an exodus as others have. To say that it was would not be honest to the statistical facts.

In my opinion these accusations are a distraction to the actual situation that FA finds itself in, and the worst thing I think FA can do is believe that that is the only issue that caused it. It was certainly the surface one, but there are others as well. FA cannot control what others think of Zaush, what they can control is getting those updates done. Hopefully they put at least as much effort in the later as they have done with the former (2 journals were made in response to this incident.)

At this point I think what will effect the future of FA more is that if they continue to promise items they fail to deliver on. This statistical shift shows there is possibility of substantial growth in their competitors. As many have said, back in the days of VCL not many believed it could come to an end, however it did, but the fandom lived on. And so will come the day when FurAffinity will probably too end. And that site which follows in FA's footsteps too will end. The cycle will continue, but the fandom will then also live on.


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