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"Rip-off" could have to do with getting something from before, yes but the way of "how the person" does it seems really weird and non-sense, and the fact that even if the guy 100 % never knew of the existence, the result is still similar no-matter what. Like to people, it shouldn't really depend what, and how it's made, but if it looked similar or not.
If we had to use it this way, then (If you look at "Everything is a Remix" by Kirby1 on Youtube), so many movies secretly lacked the acknowledging idea, meaning every movie in the world is pretty much a knock-off from somewhere else, but it's just that we are so used to it.
The need to feel that when yet, there are people like me who could enjoy a so-called "rip-off" just because how similar and purposeful a movie or song seems really sad.

Here is a very well example on why people should not matter the lack of knowledge or not:
We had a very well movie called "Comp-heads The Virus", everyone enjoyed it, but then 5 years later, people figured out that it was based off an old movie (Perhaps in the Public Domain), though now people enjoy both. Is "Comp-heads The Virus" a rip-off? Does it need to be avoided just because of how it was made in the first place? Lion King had the same story I heard but now "Kimba The White Lion" and "Lion King" seems both enjoyed as there own, even being similar in parts. OK, maybe that's not a good example but still.

For the rat thing, people need to be aware that everything we have now has bits, and bits copied already, including characters. I can be aware of the rat that time, but I can still enjoy them as different people no matter how similar or if it was inspired or even not..... just like a pixel used in art.
I can totally understand what you mean, but are you saying Remi is a rip-off of Surly Squirrel?

For your last part, yeah the guy knows he is basing off the movie, but it seems strange to use "rip-off" and use it in negative terms by people just because there wasn't an acknowledging act (If they never used it) when yet, the whole movie is pretty much good for a sequel still anyway, and the whole story is different.
People have used the term "rip-off" over many things new and ignoring the fact that we already been doing that in our culture for thousands of years now.

Which is why I always hate people calling "copying" parts a "knock-off" when yet, that's just ridiculous, it's self because we already do that.

Yeah it's a long response but I been really concern about how people react to things like this. And people been using that term over many kinds of things that shouldn't really have the term with.
If you meant rip-off only if it includes lying about original, I could agree, I think. :)

"Edit: We could just call everything a rip-off if it can just include copying and similarity, but it shouldn't be used as a bad thing, or 100 % exact when it's slightly changed..."


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