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I am bemused by all of the movies that the critics dismiss as rip-offs that came out before the movies that they are accused of being rip-offs of. The Russian/Armenian CGI movie about anthropomorphized airplanes that is supposed to be an obvious rip-off of Disney's "Planes" was released theatrically in Moscow a full year before "Planes" came out. That could be a rip-off because "Planes" was so long in production (and the animation was subcontracted out to Prana in Mumbai, India, so the story was not a secret) that another studio could have rushed out a rip-off fast; but it is certainly not proven. The Russian "The Snow Queen" that is supposed to be an obvious rip-off of Disney's "Frozen" came out in Russia and several other countries months before "Frozen" was released. Of course, all that took was the news that Disney was working on an adaptation of Andersen's famous 1845 story, and anyone could do their own adaptation of "The Snow Queen". And Buddy in "The Nut Job" is a rip-off of Remi from "Ratatouille". Ho-hum.

Fred Patten


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