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Yarst! I don't remember that much. "All Dogs Go to Heaven" came out in November 1989, so this must have been the 1990 Comic-Con. Robert King says that he coined the word "fursuit" just after the 1993 ConFurence.

I have never been interested in fursuit making or wearing, so I didn't ask for details. It was an excellent fursuit, which didn't surprise any of the furry fans at the Comic-Con because Shawn Keller was well-known for making excellent fursuits. He had one of Kimba the White Lion, and I think that he made or participated in the making of a fursuit of Jerry Collins' Bambioid for Bob Hill. At the time, the ConFurences had just started and had not been taken over by the fursuiters yet. Keller was practically the only fan who made & wore them.

I don't remember whether the suit had furry balls or not, but it had an obvious furry penis that was discreet but notable once you noticed it. In fact, the penis was what gave away that it was a homemade fursuit rather than a leftover promotional mascot costume from the movie's publicity, which most of us thought at first. You noticed first that it was Charlie, the anthro German Shepherd from "All Dogs Go to Heaven", and it wasn't until you took a closer look at the detail that you noticed the doggy penis.

Keller was a well-known furry fan and apparently as deep into furry fanac as it was possible to get. Everyone was dumbfounded when he & Dave Kuhn produced that "horrifying look at the furries" comic book (which wasn't just exaggerated, some of it was deliberately falsified), and abruptly dropped out of the fandom.

Fred Patten


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