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Yeah, I was shocked by how good this movie was too; I just went to it to review it for Flayrah, when, bam, good movie ... also, ironically, not reviewing now that Fred has, but I'll add that the Surly was an interesting protagonist (if Surly is "unlikeable," then "likeable" must have a lesser known secondary definition of "boring"), inspired slapstick gags, really cute character design, and an interesting premise. That last one is important; seeing as how this Sunday, AMPAS is about the give a Best Animated Feature Oscar to "Disney Princess Movie That Tries to Pretend Its NOT A Disney Princess Movie (But Still Is)" for the second year in a row, funny animal heist parody seems like a Godsend.

About the one thing Fred didn't cover was the fart jokes, which, there were two; one seemed a bit gratuitious, like it was thrown in there because out of lack of confidence, but another was actually more about the characters (the gophers won't stop even though no one else finds it funny in the movie; it was a scene less about "ha ha, it's funny, they farted" and more about "this is what the gophers are like to work with") and it built up to an actual punchline.

Also, I have not heard a group of children react this well to an animated movie in ages; this is a kid's movie, and the kids loved it, laughing the entire time. Can't say the same for ... just about anything else that's come out animation wise recently.


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