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Question about the Newsbytes archives, noting this line:

"In interviews or lists of newsbytes, use the format Name: to attribute paragraphs. Leave it out for consecutive paragraphs by the same person."

Uh, that's not how I've been doing it, which looks something like this:

GreenReaper: To correct the "bad research" comment: JM was talking about articles published since the one in question.

crossaffliction: Apparently, Princess Luna went and got herself banished to the International Space Station this time.

crossaffliction: Guardians of the Galaxy #1 was the fourth best-selling comic book issue of 2013. [Review here.]

crossaffliction: What happens to a Toad reintroduced into movie franchise prequel? He’s recast, apparently.

However, that implies you'd like me to write it this way next time:

GreenReaper: To correct the "bad research" comment: JM was talking about articles published since the one in question.

crossaffliction: Apparently, Princess Luna went and got herself banished to the International Space Station this time.

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 was the fourth best-selling comic book issue of 2013. [Review here.]

What happens to a Toad reintroduced into movie franchise prequel? He’s recast, apparently.

Which is really actually less work for me, as I currently manually write in the bold tags each time, so just deleting them is easier. The only objection would be continuity wise, really.

(Also, I plan on keeping the guide open when submitting in the future.)


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