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I understand you, and while I'd like to believe that maybe Dr.Phil would be interested in properly portraying the furry fandom, I really doubt it. The problem is: sensationalism sells.

Now talking about maturity, that's a complex subject. Today, furries might have a slight focus on being childish for fun, but interest in anthropomorphic animals exists for around 40,000 years in mankind history, so it's nothing new.
Which leads me to question if there's any relationship between both and more importantly, what is this "maturity" people talk about?
I mean, if someone is having fun doing something and hurting no one in the process, why really bother? Furries understand that, that's why we're so open minded to several subjects that are in other cultures a taboo. But isn't being open minded like that "being mature" per se? It's like stuff like saying "penis" and "vagina" in public. It's just a medical term, so if said in context, nobody should react by these words, but people do.
So if furries are "childish for fun", that's actually NOT being childish and infact being mature (if you can also discern it from being naive or guillible -- these are different things). Yes, furries don't need to be childish because it's technicly unrelated, but I see that the furries are actually much more mature that they look like, even being, paradoxically, childish. XD


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