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Animation festival journalist (how many of those exist...), Nancy Denney-Phelps, does long detailed reports about the state of animation creativity, as showcased at prominent European festivals like Annecy. She's been doing it a long time. You can find some of her reports on Animation World Network or in the newsletters for ASIFA (international animator's association).

She got a special invite to see a major festival of Chinese animation. The report was devastatingly bad. I can't find it online, since I think it went out in the printed ASIFA newsletter only. But she said the awards ceremony made no sense- animators were represented by stand-ins who had nothing to do with the films, and it went on and on. So did the screenings- things that showed technical proficiency but were devoid of creativity, with the same style of work and stories over and over. It sounded like a comment on artistic expression with restrictive culture and government.

She did a later report on "THE 5TH XIAMEN CYBER SOUSA ANIMATION FESTIVAL, OCT. 26 -- 29, 2012, XIAMEN, CHINA" that was better. Bottom of newsletter here.

"The Cos-Play crowd was elaborately costumed. There were exhibition booths that sold a vast array of Cos-Play accessories from horns and wigs to clothes and swords. The Cos-Play participants and authors seemed to be the stars of the show with long lines of attendees waiting to have their books signed and their pictures taken with them."

I wonder if it brought out chinese furries?


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