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Well, where the hell did all my "Guardian of the Galaxy" tags go, then? Was I being passive/aggressive at some bit of code?

I usually try to not add tags myself unless I know I'll be using it; since there was a movie coming up, that's why I figured this one was okay (this is a tag, whether "Guardians of the Galaxy" or "Rocket Raccoon", people will want in a while). You also seemed to nix a lot of tags on the Previews, but I assumed that was the old Newsbytes problem, so I kept it down to ten, though "Guardians of the Galaxy" was always there because passive/aggressive and it usually made the top 100 sellers of the month, so it was "above the fold". Funny thing, I actually figured I would try "Rocket Raccoon" next time, but then my bank account went tits up and I went into a funk, so I haven't done much with comics for a while.

That being said, I always figured it was a one-sided "war," and you should have been adding quotes around the word yourself in the original post; at most I thought you were thinking "why don't he pay attention" and then always reminding yourself "I should email him or something so I don't have to do this next time" and then you forgot about it like ten seconds later because, seriously, who thinks about tags for more than ten seconds at a time (I just noticed this because you adding the tags sent me like 10 emails at once).


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