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That was actually what I was getting at. There is a very distinct difference between The Bible stories and the British mythology that backs Christianity. The artistic symbolism of the church has so little to do with The Bible as to be laughable. It almost makes one wonder why they bothered to write The Bible if they were just going to supersede it with a completely contrary mythology.

But it's that very, very British mythology that is reflected in Narnia. And we who were not British, or Roman Catholic, or any of that stuff, just read The Bible and were only exposed to that mythology through King Arthur and Robin Hood movies.

Therefore, we find it difficult to rationalize the idea of Jesus opening his mouth and striking terror into people with his roar.

Jesus is a character who tells people to put away their swords. He's not a character recognizable by a tendency to hand out weapons and send people into battle.

But, of course, both C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were very British. So maybe the allegory worked for them. But for me, it's all I can do to keep from being offended by it.


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