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It's good that your community is doing that, however I think the issue is that, like the fandom, you are extending your corner of the world to encase the whole. Sure, your club is doing this, but not all furry clubs do.

The thing is sometimes 'peace' as you put it is not a heavenly abode of milk and honey. Sometimes to have 'peace' in that way is to allow sadness and harm to others because you don't want to question those in power.

I say this from my personal experience. In my SL experience I was banned once. Why? Well that requires some background.

Back in the mid 2000s I was part of an old SL group called the "Furry Vermin". A club that played good music and had awesome people. I was good friends with the higher ups there. However, I was not, myself in a position of power. Long story short things went well until there was drama at the very top and the server shut down. I was not involved in this drama in any way. I was not banned from THIS server, it had shut down when the leader had shut it down. The leader, Teavin Marat (Bounder the Fox), and I remained friends, and do to this day.

So where does my ban come into play?

Well awhile later, one of the fox Vermins had gotten a boyfriend who owned a server and wanted to start a furry club. So the Vermin asked to have it named the "Vermin Outpost" to try and bring back that old Vermin spirit. It wasn't the large island it once was, but it was a place to hang out with people I cared for.

So one night it was a very few people there, however the sim owner and their significant other was there. There was a fight, and the sim owner was aggressive and abusive. It got to the point where the "boyfriend" decried that he had had enough and pulled all the buildings and objects from the sim, leaving just a pit of terrain.

The fox vermin was in shambles, and the boyfriend started to talk smuggly, enjoying the power he had over the fox to give into his whim in trade for his precious club back. It was at this point that I called him a griefer. He argued that he could not grief because he controlled the sim, it was his to do as he wished. I protested, I said if you're going to open your sim to a public club you treat those on the Sim with respect and don't bring them into your quarrels, to destroy what is built on the sim on a whim while others are using it as was intended is griefing, whether you own the sim or not. After some back and forth the ban hammer came down.

I then told Tae about what happened, gave him the logs. Eventually the club came back, but it was no longer the Vermin Outpost. It was merely the Outpost.

There are things that are far worse then conflict, if peace means allowing the abusive behavior to occur then is there really peace? I'm thinking of it like this: both heaven and hell as communities are without war, the difference is one is filled with individual joy, the other individual torment. So if I get kicked out of hell for stirring the pot a bit, so be it.

Obviously your community is/was fine, just don't confuse it as the whole of SL.


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