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Well, I think we are definitely working towards that in SL. SL deals a huge blow to the human practice of judging people for their outsides, because in SL you get to know people from the inside first. And it's not like we have to do a lot of reprimanding. Maybe once in a year's time someone will make a thoughtless human joke in bad taste, and we'll have to pull them aside and say that was seriously not cool.

In an SL community, one is either down with the peace of the community, or they get banned. Instant peace is as simple as that. If they don't want to get banned they'll come to value peace. The real world can't have peace because it insists on making the peaceful people feel unwelcome, while making the unkind obnoxious people feel entitled. When you can convince people in the real world to value peace and love they'll have it. But not while they insist on valuing war and oppression.

SL is conclusive proof that what you get out of your world depends on what you put into it.


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