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I live in a popular Furry hub on Second Life. I live in the Sunweaver community and DJ at all the clubs there. My club is there too, though it is closed at the moment.

It is a strictly enforced policy that anyone deliberately making humans feel uncomfortable at Sunweaver clubs be reprimanded. We are welcoming of all avatar types. We're Furries. We don't tolerate prejudice or persecution.

And don't believe any blown up exaggerations about humans having a problem with Furries in SL either. There are only one or two clubs, like Franks Place, the jazz club, that have strict no Furries policies. And who needs Frank's Place when every other jazz club adores Furries?

Goreans don't like Furries, but who wants to go among Goreans?

I'm loved pretty much anywhere I go in SL, and everyone who doesn't come to grief or otherwise act obnoxious is welcome in all the Furry establishments I have anything to do with. I've never once seen a no humans allowed sign. If we don't want people doing that to us, why would we do it to them?

Of course, I don't have much to do with GYC. I'm pretty sure GYC used to be IYC (International Yiff Club) Just the name used to scare me away from that place. If they have a no humans policy that just doubles my bad feelings about it. That would make them the Furry equivalent of Frank's Place.

Sadly, a lot of what used to be the main Furry clubs (Rainbow Tiger, AnthroXstacy) are no longer operative. They were all welcoming to human avatars.

For my first couple of years on SL I didn't live with Furries at all. I lived on a human island called SheDevils, which sadly is no more. Nobody there minded me being a bunny. They were very loving and treated me like family.

I've also been loved at all the human clubs I've DJed at. SL is just full of love. There are places you can go if you specifically want to be among obnoxious, hateful people. They tend to flock together, but they're a serious minority.


The reason I talk about FA and not other sites is because I don't use any other Furry sites anymore, except Flayrah. And I don't come here very often anymore either. I'm a busy bunny and not in the best of health these days. I just don't have it in me to make the rounds of the Furry drama mill anymore. And the old adage has proven true. When I stopped looking for drama, I stopped seeing it. Thus Furry Fandom has become for me the peaceful and loving place I always believed it should be. Between SL, FA, here and sometimes LJ, I just don't need any other Furry social sites. I'm getting way more love than I can handle with those. ^_^


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