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Well, it's like this. In fandoms such as Anime and Furry, the idea of what people are fans of covers a spectrum of creativity, rather than a specific creator or title. The Anime fan may not be a fan of any specific Anime title. He may be a fan of Japanese pop culture in general. That fandom has literally expanded its range to any pop culture coming out of Japan.

Furry Fandom follows Anime Fandom around like a big brother, imitating everything it does. So Furry Fandom has expanded it's range to anything and everything involving anthropomorphic creativity. Thus, a Furry is not limited to being a fan of movies, books, etc. You can be a fan of Furry art in general, or just a fan of other peoples' fursonas. Doesn't matter. As long as you can say you have a fanish interest in some form of Furry creativity, you're a fan of something Furry.

Neither fandom requires anyone to like everything they include. The interests of individuals within such a fandom are expected to be selective according to one's taste. So, a Furry that has no interest in commercial media of any kind is quite plausible. Nothing at all amiss about a Furry just liking to collect art and/or socialize with fellow Furries.

After all, even if one does nothing but create a fursona for themselves, they are creating something that other Furries can potentially be fans of. So, in a fandom like this everyone can be the object of the fandom and a fan at the same time.

Metagenre fandoms are a recent innovation. Don't expect them to conform to the rules of traditional fandoms for less complicated subjects.


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